What the AI hell is this?
I hate music, it’s got too many notes. I hate music, sing it with me techbro.
According to Mikey, myself and many others don’t enjoy making music. It takes way too long and production is hard. But his amazing, totally original, not built off the backs of musicians he claims are tired of the slog, will save us the trouble of creativity.
In some ways, he’s not totally wrong. The act of making art takes a ton of time and effort, and we all have our unique skillsets, mine is in riffing, or was until the robots came along.
And who knows, it might be fun to throw a prompt for “Orwellian, soulless or soulful, plebian math-rock for geriatrics” just for kicks. Let the bots fuck with that. I can’t wait for the singularity to crash bitcoin.
1/14 this foul year of our lord 2025